Social Media Recipe for Realtors

June 25, 2020

In today’s training we spoke about expanding your reach using different social media recipes. Over 90% of realtors on the call had less than 300 followers on Instagram and we opened up Pandora’s box to show you the places where you can discover more people and expand your reach. We also spoke about the tools, the targets, the techniques, and the touches that are instrumental for a successful social media campaign. If you have everything set up, then this training will take you to the next level. If you are part of the 70% of realtors that hasn't yet properly set up all their profiles on Google, Facebook , Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Realtor, Zillow, and Homes, then that is the first step you need to take.  By the way, we are offering to take this off your plate. In the words of Richard Branson, one of my favorite entrepreneurs, “If you really want to grow as an entrepreneur you’ve got to learn to delegate”. We are here to help, so make a move.

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