The Complete Package • Digital Business Cards by Real Grader

September 14, 2021

Timeless. Effective. Innovative. 


The Founder of Real Grader has a message for you, paper business cards are dead. Alex Montalenti, real estate technology and social media expert, declares that digital business cards are replacing paper cards. 

Paper cards are an outdated way of doing business. Much like rolodexes and yellow pages, times change and business evolves. Even V Cards have made way for a new, more innovative way to connect. 

Digital business cards solve problems that paper cards do not. A more modern way to connect and network, the patented Instacard by Real Grader connects to an agent’s website as well as all social platforms. Calls can be placed to an agent through the Instacard but contacts can also explore listings and reviews, as well as connect through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more. With a digital business card, everything is just a click away for endless opportunities. 

Almost better than a website, the Instacard is a complete landing page in a digital format. Fully functional and effective, the Instacard is a completely mobile responsive way to ultimately connect with more contacts in a better way. 

The digital business card doesn’t just improve the way business is done, it also confronts the greater social responsibility of the environment. Paper cards inevitably get lost or tossed. Digital business cards are literally saving the environment, one tree at a time. 


If you’re going to get into the game, go all in and play to win.

Ready to elevate your business to the next level? Contact us to discuss the possibilities. 

The numbers: 

Real Grader’s promise is free Instacard set up and just $15/month. 


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