Google vs. Zillow • Real Grader

September 30, 2021

Where Should You Be Getting Your Reviews?


Reviews are a big part of what builds the reputation of a real estate agent. Client reviews and testimonials build trust. So where do we go to find reviews for a Realtor we're considering?, Zillow, Google? Zillow used to be the go-to for Realtor reviews, but that's drastically changed more recently. works well because they'll allow you to paste reviews from other platforms into the Recommendations of a Realtor's profile. Google reviews are really the platform that's taken off.

Especially now that Google is the go-to if you're looking for just about anything, a place to eat, a new piece for your home, that top you saw Fredrik wearing on Million Dollar Listing, a recipe for pesto. Google is the forefront of information today. The word has even become a verb... "Have you "Googled it?" And the all too common, "Did you check Google?" Now every day sayings in our vernacular.

Alex Montalenti, Founder of Real Grader, gives the example of when his parents moved to Florida from Long Island. They asked for Realtor suggestions from both of their sons, then Googled them both. With extensive reviews and a stellar online reputation, his parents chose Alex's recommended Realtor. Google was the natural place for them to start.


Google reviews are the goal and with an outstanding online reputation, potential clients will be drawn to you and your brand. And Google isn't just a search engine. Google is an entire set of tools for your business. Google Business and Google Local are key components in establishing an authentic online reputation. But you also have calendar, email, Google Documents, Sheets and Drive, just to name a few.

Quite simply, with Zillow, you are just getting Zillow. With Google, you're getting so much more. It's a whole suite to elevate your business and brand.

Real Grader on YouTube:  Google vs. Zillow



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