Google Local Requirements • Real Grader

November 30, 2021

What are the Requirements for Google Local?


Right around May 2021 Google Local really took off and it's still going strong. In Real Grader's October 21st blog post 5 Agents Who Use Google Local to Get Leads and Listings, we explore what Google Local is and some of the top Google Local real estate influencers utilizing it. So what exactly are the requirements for Google Local? Can you just put yourself on Google Local? In a word, no.

Google Local focuses on specific areas and experts in that area. It's specifically designed to hone in on your particular area and the reputable professionals you're searching for. How are you deemed an expert? Reviews, of course. What do the people say? Are you reliable, do you communicate, can you solve problems, are you a pleasure to work with?

Now to the requirements... there are really two tiers of requirements. Google Local has their requirements and then Real Grader also has preferred requirements in order for us to work with you on a Google Local account.

In order to go through a Google Local Screening, you must have a Google My Business page (Real Grader can help with that!), with at least one 5 star review (Real Grader can help with this too!). You will also need valid E&O (Errors and Omissions) insurance. In addition, you will be required to go through a background check (social security number and basic business information) to verify that you are the person applying to be screened by Google and to ensure you have no criminal history.

Real Grader really prefers that a client has gone through the Real Grader optimization process, in order to get started with Google Local. That way we start off on the right foot, knowing the client has an optimized Google My Business page with reviews and knowing there will be no issues with the name of the Google business page.

For more information on Google Local and how you can elevate your real estate business utilizing Google Local, please contact:


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