LIVE! With Real Grader

January 6, 2022

Real Grader is Going LIVE!

What's the importance of consistent online branding? Join us LIVE to find out!

Our sales team asks the tough questions to elevate your online grade. What are people looking for when they search for Realtors online? Our sales and marketing teams know! And they are spilling all the secrets.

We like to Google a Realtor at random and take a focused look at their profiles over 8 main sites real estate agents use most. Between Google, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, YouTube,, Zillow, and, we'll take a hard look at the inconsistencies we see on your various profiles.

For instance, perhaps your Instagram and Facebook profiles feature different photos? Maybe the bios between and Zillow don't match up? Once we determine the inconsistencies on your profiles of the 8 main sites, you'll work with a Real Grader success coach to create one cohesive online brand across all 8 of the profiles most used by Realtors. The goal being to raise your grade to 100.

Rock star Realtor Lina Lopes worked with Real Grader to raise her online grade and achieved a perfect score after correcting inconsistencies between her online profiles. In fact, her profiles are so amazing, we used her as an example in the January 4, 2022 LIVE session!





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Join us LIVE on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram - Tuesdays and Thursdays, times will vary.

For more information on Real Grader products and services, please contact:

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