Real Grader and Instacard ROCKED THE MARKET!

October 27, 2022

Real Grader teamed up and made our way to Rock the Market in July. The remarkable thing about our company is that very few of us live or work in the same location. We are scattered all over the world. The fact that we could come together for this event was incredible. Some of us flew, some of us drove, but we made it, and what an experience it was!

We started the morning of the 29th off strong with a team-building breakfast, clearing (to let go of fears, anxiety, or anything holding you back), and then we set our goals for the event.

We made it to the exhibit hall before 9 AM and started working our magic immediately. Real Grader created a free pro version of the Instacard for the entire Miami MLS; the whole team was available to assist clients in downloading their cards, upgrading their cards, and answering any questions they had. It was refreshing talking to all the attendees at Rock the Market; they were knowledgeable and full of energy!

                                                                      Alex Montalenti takes the stage!

One key event focal point was the pitch battle we participated in. Up next, Alex takes the stage! Our co-founder, Alex Montalenti was a shoo-in for the contest. Seeing Alex on stage was like watching Elvis Presley himself up there. The way he addressed the audience, and the validity of his speech. 

Did I mention he was up against two other companies?

Alex had to pitch what sets Instacard apart from these other products. He had the crowd's attention, everyone had their phones out scanning the QR code to claim their digital business cards. People couldn't wait to get to our booth after the battle to find out exactly what we offer at Real Grader; because it doesn't stop at the Instacard

We didn’t have any doubt that he would win, how could we lose when we have developed a product, we love so much we want to share it with the world? Just as we had suspected, he WON the pitch battle! Our whole team ran on stage to celebrate his winning moment; we cheered, we high-fived, you name it. The team and the company celebrated a remarkable moment in Real Grader history.

Real Grader made countless memories at Rock the Market, we celebrated victories, and we established not only business relationships but friendships we will cherish forever. This is where if, for no other reason, you need to find out where we are next, so you can get in on some of the excitement!

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