How Efficient is Your Online Marketing Strategy?

February 16, 2023

Let’s face it, we are so busy these days and convenience is priceless. That is exactly why real estate agents everywhere should be maximizing their online marketing strategy. For example, if you wanted to know more about what the forecast was for the week ahead would you; 1. Wait and see each day, 2. Check the newspaper, or 3. Pull up the weather app on your phone/computer and find out? I would be willing to bet the latter of the three. Okay, but what does that have to do with real estate marketing? In a sense, everything! If you are in the market to buy a home are you going to 1. Drive around the world looking at all the houses for sale, 2. Check out the paper or listing books, or 3. Are you going to do a search on your phone/computer? Again, I am guessing the latter of the three and that very reason is why it is VITAL to utilize all the proper digital marketing channels you can.

When a prospective client opens their browser to search for an agent or a house; who’s listing do you want to pop up? With those thoughts in mind, here are some essential marketing tools you shouldn’t be trying to run a business without; websites, the use of Social Media, CRMs, Graphic design tools, video production applications, and text marketing tools (to name a few). These devices will get you going in the right direction but there are so many more channels you could access too.

According to the National Association of Realtors, “while the expertise of REALTORS® remains vital to the home buying and selling process, the internet serves as a tool for all generations of home buyers; 97% of all homebuyers used the internet in their home search in 2020.” (“Effective Online Marketing - National Association of Realtors”) We aren’t going to go backward with technology; the days of VHS and corded telephones are past. The number of people utilizing the internet to conduct everyday activities is also going to increase. Don’t get left in the dark, start upping your marketing strategy now.

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